Wednesday 17 February 2016

Eve online news....

The CSM summit is currently ongoing. It's a pity that the minutes will be delayed back to the older way of being done rather than being published this week, we will have to wait...
I do like that Sugar Kyle is asking for input on whats being discussed.

I may be behind with talking about the news but the more I look at doing this post the more I'm going to moan on about changes I dont' like. 
Skill points are still the big news.

Discussion (
Opinions ( are plentiful about it all.
That last link from Crossingzebras points a finger at a lot CCP is doing with the ongoing sales as well. I think that this article says a lot of truth as well.
And keeping both those last two linked writers in mind I think that this post is a good follow up and conclusion on thoughts.

I'm still confused by the way they say that it's a skill respec. Usually a skill repec in any other game is a total reset of points that can then be reallocated as you wish... maybe that's CP's next move. I can see it now: Free all your skill points to be reallocated to your leaned skill's for a mear 6 plex. I say that sarcastically but there is a hint of reality that cuts too close to the bone with it.

I've bitched on about how I hated the skill point extraction and not to harp on about it but this post about a rich player maxing out a new alt using skill injection is the very big tip on a large iceberg ahead. All those large alliances with more isk to burn than anyone can count I am sure are using that isk to play the skill injector system.
I really can't see how a newer player can use the skill injectors/extractors paying for it themselves without paying with real cash. I know a few newer players and they are having problems after a year of play getting enough in game isk to buy battleships.

The skill injector/extractor "thing" smells a lot like there was an interest group lobbying to push skill extractors into the game. CCP marketing/sales strong arming the rest of the company to implement something that has no place in the game. That's too much tin-foil hattery, no use in crying over spilled SP. I think it was a mistake to implement and it will make the older wealthier characters move further away form the newer characters in game. But as long as CCP gets it's quick cash in they will keep doing things like that.

The last patch/release had no major news or changes for me except for the new camera which I think is a way worse change to the look of Eve. I know that a lot of people miss the tracking camera as it has been removed from the "new" camera even though it itself was a newer feature. I don't miss it as I never had it in the first place. Thankfully changes are in the works, however once all "done" I don't think it will be what the users wanted.

The next release should be seeing a lot of changes. Strange that the official March release website doesn't even mention module tiericide.

There is a HUGE amount of changes incoming for a lot of modules:
Damage Controls

Warp Disruptors & Scramblers 
Damage Modules 
Tracking Modules 
Cap Batteries 

They are also planning to:
Reworking Capital Ships: Skills, Modules & Refitting 

They have also been giving information on Structure fitting in the EVE: Citadel expansion 

My reaction to all those changes is a lot like hearing Doc Brown from back to the future

Once things are changed and appear in the game I'll have to see my ships and fits to really see the impact of these changes.

API changes are also in the works with increase of CREST availability for third party developers. I'm sure that will help with the meta game players as well as the tool makers.

Thanks enough waffle form me so I'll end it here.

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