Thursday 4 February 2016

My Star Trek Online update....

I've been persisting with STO. Mainly for the daily missions from Q for the 6th Anniversary, which will lead to a reputation ship. That may sound more downbeat than I intended.
I'm plugging away with the 2 dailies form Q, both are easy to do. One is not really needed but has some fun and the other gives you the 40 reputation marks per day that you can use towards the ship. Both missions also reward you with Dilithium which I am again hording till I can change it to ZEN.

Both Admiralty and Doff missions are ongoing and I'm updating them / collecting the rewards when I get a chance.

The Event has had a few freebies.
The 20,000 Fleet Dilithium was nice to get but since I have never been in a fleet I doubt I will ever be so I'll never get to use it.
The Extra speciality points is gonna be nice to use but I'll wait on my main for his re-skill and the alts will have them in the bank till I level them up.... if ever.

I'm sure the next freebie was available to me before but it's available to all characters on all outfits now, or at least on outfits that can use it so it's an all thing to all people. Kinda.

I was a little miffed at the last giveaway. The free T4 ships. Not a great giveaway but would have been nice for levelling up my alts. However although the site doesn't say you need to be any specific level to claim the ship, but yeah you need to be level 30. So no freebie ship waiting in the wings for my little level 10 alts to use. Pity.

I went ahead and used most of the dilithium I had in a conversion to ZEN and with that ZEN I bought the EC unlock for my characters.

My next ZEN purchase is currently aimed towards the skill point reset token for my main.
However after watching the latest video from Brent Justice I did go ahead and buy (with EC) the Tholian ship he talked about. This Tholian ship without the upgrade is about the same as my current ship. but it is a ship that is a much better fit for an upgrade so I may end up buying a ZEN ship upgrade token to make that ship a T5U version. That would then be better than my current ship.
Time will tell on the dilithium/ZEN front as I'll have the current event T6 ship before I ever have enough dilitium, never mind the Zen to enable that upgrade plan.

Brent Justice latest video on his Free to play character:

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