Thursday 4 February 2016

Blast from the Past....

It's been a while since I tried out an old title from my PC gaming past and with a bit of home reorganisation of the shelving units I came across a few and got to put them aside to try.

First up I tried the MW4 Merc's game (Mechwarrior 4 Series) but despite the flawless install the game refused to run properly for me.

So instead of getting an old pc out of storage or getting a virtual machine setup I decided to check the web for info. All path's lead to the updated free MEKTEK version for use. Looking for that Version lead onto some other links:
This one....
That lead on to this one:

That lead onto the download:

I've not had the time to checkout that version yet so it will have to wait and see if my old saves will work with it.

Next up on my shelf were both Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004.
I only tried to get 2004 working and after the install and changing of permissions to run in admin mode/compatibility to use XP SP3 I had mixed results.
It was very temperamental. Sometimes it would run other times it refused to do so.
Of the time it did run the old muscle memory didn't fail me and I had a blast.

As part of my look back I did unzip a save of my original Unreal Tournament.

And it played without needing the install. Still an epic game, fast and full of action.

The Matrix was out at the same time as the original UT and this track was very emotive for the Unreal Tourney game and had a very Matrix vibe. Indeed the entire soundtrack holds a lot of memories for me.

I'm really glad that there is a new version of UT in the works.


Next up on the hit list was the WW2 Sub Sim Silent Huinter 3.

Like my Mech Warrior experience the install went flawlessly but running the game was also a no go.
Again I went to the net and was pointed towards a newer total modification of the game which has it's own manual.
The link I found it on was here:

And a screen shot of the page that link mentions is here:

I'm really interested in getting that super mod to run the game but that will take more time than just a quick install and mess about with.

The main page for the nearly 2 GB Super mod is here:

And for anyone interested to see the slower paced strategy of the game a YouTuber called Bismarck
has done some great playthrough's least of which is SH3. Plus he's German for that added authenticity ;)


Last on my list is Hidden and Dangerous 2
A true classic in my book and one I through would run but again I was dashed by the Windows 10 hex for older games. The install worked fine but running the game was a no go.
This was one I really really wanted to play. But wishing does note make it so. Changing compatibility etc wasn't working either.
I wasn't really able to find anything on the net about getting it to run. The net has a few interesting workarounds and fixes but they didn't 'work for me.
While surfing for a fix I came across a Speed Run of the game by a YouTuber called Thinkshooter. I don't usually watch speed runs. It's been a long time since I even watched one but this one is interesting, like a quick nostalgic tour.

He also did a H&D 1 Delux edition SpeedRun that filled my nostalgia meter.
Mission 4 at 8:23 is sheer class in it's simplicity.

Linked in his youtube channel is also a run of KoToR I & II....
I may have to see if I can route out those games and get them running again....

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