Wednesday 10 February 2016

World of Warcraft....

Finally got my latest auction house character to a stage where she is no longer an auction house character. She dinged 97 last night and with some transmoging and enchants can now start to run with some guildies as a healer. I've been avoiding healing in dungeons altogether and only done a few quests here and there so I have no idea how I got her to this level. So the future will hold a dungeon healing role and will see how that works out. I've seen so many healers getting slated that I truly dread the role but it is one that I've done in previous wow expansions as a priest. At least doing stuff with guildies will be easier as they will be both supporting and forgiving and it it doesn't work out they will help on gear/enchants/advice. I'm looking forward to that.
Funny how things should be interesting during the last two weeks of paid game-time.

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