Friday 25 October 2019

Hitman 2....

Hitman 2 is a great game. The legacy pack as well. It's 'just' that it can be so frustrating at times when things get 'glitchy'. I was super happy to read the notes and see the info on emetics and NPC's.

I'm not sure if that's good or bad timing.

There's nothing worse than when an NPC isn't behaving like the mechanics say they should. The Himmapan Horror missions highlight this; Especially with the emetic NPC 'bug'.

Not even the NPC that's scripted to use the toilet, uses the toilet when hit with an emetic.

For me the Himmapan Horror missions have highlighted some of the real glitchy elements that can happen. I've had to do more to get around the game than against the NPC's and the actual challenge. I don't recall the original being like that in the first game.

Thankfully I've been able to force my way through. Plenty of alternative player contracts are out there to try(depending on gear/unlocks etc).

Master Vampire was a high, Himmapan Horror was below par. That's two down, one more to go. Master Scarecrow should be another high. Fingers crossed.

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