Tuesday 1 October 2019


I've not done much with the new ship but the main task for today's Endeavor system was a space based TFO. Perfect test to see hoe it compares with other players. Unfortunately everyone else is now using the same ship and like me, they seem to be having problems with fitting it out.

It took an overly long time to do and finish off the TFO. Eliminating the Emitters and the gates took so long I was wondering if the other players were doing anything. But the end boss, the Scimitar ship was horrendously difficult to DPS down. Most players seem to have stayed with a cannon build so maybe that explains it.

The new ships jump/rift console is an interesting one and fun to use. I think I'll have to rethink and restart a fit from scratch if I'm to 'make it' a practical choice. A few solo missions didn't prove much but to see this ship, a group of the same ship in one TFO was an eye opener. The event 'bonus' rewards are a better motivation than the promise of the ship reward!

Day 2 of the event bonus. I'm liking this already!

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