Saturday 12 October 2019


It didn't take long to finish off the mastery levels of my reworked Elachi Qulash frigate. The extra Dilithium rewards from the latest event are now done; What remained of that time was still enough to get another ship fitted to run the remaining patrols each day and gain it's T-5U mastery as well. I've been watching a number of youtube videos in the STO community over the last week on ships and fits. Motivated mainly by my need to find information on cannon builds. CounterYolo Gaming is my goto channel for ships/builds. He covers a lot of ground in theory crafting fits; So much so it melts my brain. Not sure if any of it has rubbed off at all. Anyway a video he did last week on cannon builds. Budget Cannon Survival Builds, included a ship that caught my attention. The Hirogen Hunter Heavy Escort.

That's not to say that the Elachi Frigate isn't a fun ship(it is for me now) but seeing the details of an easily accessible, exchange bought(for energy credits) ship made me want to get and test it. Besides with all my faffing about with the Elachi Frigate I'd a lot of ship gear in my inventory to mash together. Just for fun, because I can.

While I've a lot more appropriate vanity shields for a Hirogen theme(a rusted look, looks like blood splatter #serenity-reavers). The Temporal Vanity shield was put on due to the (Bozeman) impulse engine and trails having pink effects. I mean if you've got part of a look why not own that look completely. ;-p

I stayed with a fair few  of the same modules as the 'Beam version' of the Elachi frigate so that meant Disruptor damage. It's a very ad-hoc fit with a lot of weak points(deflector). It's a fun enough ship to use even if I did take mid combat breathers for cool-downs to clear. Here's the fit and two Patrols done for the end of the bonus event rewards.


  1. Where in-game is that first image with the big round window? Wow!

    1. A good one for screenshots alright :)
      Another in this post:
      It's from a mission called 'Future Proof' under the 'Temporal Reckoning' episode/story arc.
