Wednesday 11 December 2019

Eve Online....

CCP 13 Days of Eve; waffling rant -

I know for sure that CCP do things arse about face when it comes to Eve Online. This years free gifts had me excited when I started reading but before the end of the same sentence I was rolling my eyes and saying 'there goes CCP again'. 

A player license in Eve is game time either paid with cash or PLEX(Omega) or unpaid(Alpha). So when I read " All pilots, regardless of their license status, get rewards " I was excited; But then I kept reading "  but upgrading to Omega gets you better gifts plus all the Alpha rewards too! ". So CCP it's not regardless of player license if you pay and get more. Fuppin two faced shít like this really bugs me. Where was their bleeding heart for players who pay when I bought 2 collectors editions for the mystery code promise

CCP can't even in the spirit of the season allow all players to log in and get the same rewards; It's not like that would screw up the interactive Naughty or Nice in game 'events'.

All pilots, regardless of their license status, get rewards but upgrading to Omega gets you better gifts plus all the Alpha rewards too! "

Almost as oxymoronic as believing:

" This is just the beginning of what the Mystery Code will unlock.  In the future, whenever we have big things happening—not just across the EVE Universe but across all CCP games—you will find a Mystery Code element to enjoy "

Yeap I'm bitter and twisted because of it!

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