Sunday 22 December 2019


Today was the last daily race needed for the current winter event. So I got to claim the ship on both PC and Xbox. I've not touched the Xbox version yet, my character there can barely equip the summer ship she's in.

It's an interesting ship.

Getting the ship and getting a character into it is a ridiculous thing. It's like something that's risen from the depths of a Pirates of the Caribbean film. It's a massive ship. Ridiculous in size, looks and abilities. As a fairly straight laced Federation player I can't take my character seriously in it.

It's slow and takes an age to aim the ship well enough to fire off the directional a.o.e. weapon with any effect. That said, even with a slap dash fit it's very effective. Love those hanger pets. I also added the Romulan vanity shield(green) which I think gives it a better look. I'll try and finish off it's mastery levels this weekend.

It's been a day of ship claims. I wanted to get another Red Matter device from the phoenix store. In claiming more tokens for it I also got an epic token! So took that opportunity to claim the Risian Luxury Cruiser! Small and fast, the complete opposite of the winter event ship. A free upgrade makes it a T5-U, one I'll cherish. I'll have to search for a fitting fit.

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