Friday 6 December 2019

My Friend Pedro....

While I've played a lot of the PC version of the game, it's been a while. I saw the game was just out on XBox Game Pass so thought I'd try it out. I played the game without any lag or problems with it streamed via the Console Companion to my Windows 10 pc. I guess the slowdown I experience sometimes in Star Trek Online when it's streamed is down to STO's own 'code'..... maybe....

Anyway because this version of the game is controller only it's got a type of snapping auto aim. But it only has that when your pointing/aiming towards enemies. That's not a bad thing, aiming would be a nightmare if it was all free form with a controller. Doing it all with a controller is a bit of a button mash-fest as it is. It's almost a finger breaker but it works well enough once your in game.

I played for about an hour, nothing I'd not seen before, I just wanted to see how the version played and get to do the motorbike level. Which I did. Good experience but I do prefer the PC version, which is more accurately controllable, fully free with a better control system(mouse). I'm not sure how I'd be feeling if the console version was the first version I'd played and then moved to the PC version. I'll not be doing anything more with the console version but it was a slightly different experience worth dipping into.

The game may only have been out less than a day on Game Pass but I'm surprised at the achievement percentages for an XBox game again. I played for a casual hour and wasn't aiming at achievements and still got 7 of them....Yet only 19% of gamers know the joy of frying pan tactics!!

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