Monday 23 December 2019

Hitman 2....

I did a bit of a push to finish off the December content, minus the featured contracts as usual; For no other reason than to complete the content than any 'real' time limit.

The Snow festival was one I'd already completed last year but the rest of the content was fun enough.

I'd not bothered with the Santa content before in H2 as it was timed and I'd already done it in the first game. Doing it this time round as it's now permanent was more a nostalgic blast from the past and an excuse to revisit that was welcome but not long lasting.

There's only so many times you can smack Santa around before it becomes mundane.

The last H2 Elusive Target wasn't all that elusive at all. Easy to spot, easy to finish off. Meh.

All said and done there wasn't much that stands out as a real must do; It was all content, good enough, but done once and never to be seen again. Even the redressed maps of Paris and Hokkaido while nice to see, there's no real need to revisit beyond doing the challengers and some quick sightseeing nostalgia.

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