Sunday 23 February 2020

Eve Online....

I applaud CCP for their inventive thinking. It's so inventive it's as far away from the box as is humanly possible. A frigate escape bay for battleships. Who asked for this? It's not a good thing in my book.  About as practical as frying an egg on a sun soaked footpath and still looking to eat it off the ground.

Then again I'm no PvPer. 

Now if this escape bay allowed a T3 destroyer instead that would really be a lot more practical.

I'm sure CCP has a massive long, well thought out roadmap that this is just a tiny piece of....Right?


I don't keep up with the meta on Battleship combat. Of the Battleship combat I do know, mainly from Nullsec; It's easier and more practical for players in their pods to ask the enemy to pod them so they can reship into anything larger than a frigate. 

Who wants to be stuck in the same ambush or combat situation that just took out their Battleship..... But.... be.... in.... a.... frigate? 

Sure why not turn up to all Battleship fights in a frigate, to save the time and expense..... 

So does CCP want more specific frigate production?

Was this really meant for bombers?! Even bombless bombers?! Cov-ops? But they changed their minds because they 'realized' that might be better..... How did this 'idea' evolve? 

What's allowed in the bay:
                                          All T1 Frigates
                                          Assault Frigates 
                                          Electronic Attack Frigates
                                          Logistics Frigates

The only real use for ships in this bay is with Ewar or offhand logi frigs at least they can actually 'help' their fleets. Depending on the assault frig and the pilots skill.....those are meh....... 
As I said nobody takes a frigate to a battleship fight(unless your noob cannon fodder and are there to get alpha'd off the field). 

This bay needs greater context then just CCP saying 'here it is, enjoy'....

I've felt safer flying in a pod in null because it insta-warps, why would I need a frigate.
Why would I need a frigate in any scenario where I was taking a battleship?! 

CCP looking to shake up he meta and have a lot more mixed fleets? They're mixed enough as is as far as I've ever seen. As if the meat grinders aren't working overtime as is.

This is all about fleet battles and not just a skirmish here and there. CCP trying to shake the meta of large fleet battles by fuppin with things to see what players do. CCP blinkered again?
As always the great player minds of meta theory are smarter so CCP no doubt will have to rush to undo or alter the bay or fupp about with the game in some other way to compensate. 

Just because you can do a thing CCP doesn't mean you have to do that thing.

If CCP keeps hammering away at this space game they are not going to have anything recognizable by the end....

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