Monday 3 February 2020


I've been continuing the dailies on both my PC(Q's Omega Stabilisation) and Xbox(The Vault TFO) mains. Still a while to go for both to get to the end.

Side note on the PC daily, I've seen at least two youtubers showing how to do the Omega daily, yet only telling players to start the minigame and not to actually participate in it. That annoys me. It may complete either way but to tell players not to gain anything. Not good. At the very least they could say the better you do in the mini game the more particles you gain; Those can then be put up for sale. Better for starter players at the very least. 

At least in my view. The more particles put on the exchange the cheaper they will be overall. Sellers make some profit, buyers gain cheaper materials and the STO economy turns faster. 
The number of times I've kept R&D materials in the past is paying off for me know, especially on alts.

'Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves'.

I've no inflated ego with my STO knowledge, impostor syndrome maybe. I'll listen and watch all kinds of STO content to see if I can pick up any tidbits. Sometimes I do blow a fuse and waffle on; But at least I'm still giving reasons other than blaming the game which in turn is a dig at the devs. 

Anyway; Outside of the dailies I've been hammering away on my Science alt to clear as much of the Temporal Agent transponder bonus's as possible(about time); As well as getting a surprise free ship. The T6 Reliant Class - Advanced Light Cruiser.

That ship came from a free offer via a tweet from CounterYolo; That Steelseries was offering a free Federation Starter Pack.

When I claimed it there were about 1400 packs remaining, all gone now! As I was in the midst of getting my Science character up to speed I claimed it on her. The bulk of the free items could be used(extra inv slots etc), but the level II gear was trashed... Besides if I'd claimed it on a new character they would have leveled past that gear in less than an hour of game-time. CounterYolo also highlighted the Star Trek humble bundle; But I'll not be getting that.

I took the ship out for some of the dailies on my main and did a patrol and some TFO's to level up the mastery.

There was no great thought behind it's fit/modules, just put together from random inventory items. For a 'shít fit' it's surprisingly viable, even in advanced TFO's; Besides there's enough OP players out there that no TFO fail's these days. I'm happy with it. It's a small, fast, fun ship to faff about with. Another one to add to the collection of active/fitted ships(for now). As much as I like doing (relatively)higher DPS in a 'better' fit ship; It's really fun to not be DPS focused.

Moving on to the Science character, I've made some good progress in clearing out mission arcs and claiming temporal probes.

As much headway as I've made there's still a lot more to do. More missions, more Doff commendations and more reputation grinds. Commendations and rep will take some time but there's no real rush.  

Overall things aren't in a bad state, just fragmented. A bit more time and she'll start to come together as a reliable above average character.

I chose the easy option with getting R&D to the needed level(5). Only took refined (240k-ish) and R&D mats, both of which she already had. 

Not sure why I moved the bulk of her energy credits to the account bank (20ish million), late nights make for hazy decisions at times. I'm sure I'll have an 'oh yea' moment, at some stage......

'Living' on the character means some slight care and attention had to be given to the ship fit and bridge officer skills. No miracle worker but a tweak here and there makes it a very survivable ship with proof in TFO's of making a difference. Which was nice to see in action.

Playing this class has given me more insight; Great class to play. I'm sure as my knowledge grows I'll get more of a handle on the class/abilities and what it can do. I've no doubt I'll give more high praise for it as time goes on.

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