Sunday 9 February 2020


I've noticed a change in my gameplay from 'unlock Temporal bonuses' to 'enjoying gameplay as a science character'. Having to redo and update a post in progress three times in one weekend because I'd outdated it before posting is proof enough on that score. I may not 'get' all the intricacies of the class and it's roles but it's a lot of fun. I'd go so far as to say more fun than my Tactical main!

The one thing that's different compared to a tactical gameplay experience is that your in space science combat abilities have a greater impact. With science abilities you can both see and feel a difference. Not a precise explanation..... Activating science abilities isn't just all about the extra damage numbers those abilities bring. At a base class level, damage application(tactical) is great; but in that same way on a science character you get to do that damage application and mess with crowd control..... It's all about options.

Anyway lots of progress has been made on this character since last time.  All temporal probes have been collected!

The remaining goals for this character are:
To do the last mission arc(Delta Quadrant).
Finish off the remaining reputations.
Finalize the Doff Commendations.

Those last two items may take more time than actual gameplay. The reputation has a 20 hour cooldown and the Doff missions can also have hours of cooldown(even if I have to move the character around and log her off in space.

Of all the missions/episodes that needed to be done there's only one mission where I felt like banging my head of the desk in a never ending cycle. Of Bajor, is without doubt a true PITA!
But that mission! So many piddly parts to get through to get to the next 'checkpoint' x6. I recall doing the mission before but never to this extent of pain. Maybe I missed something or should/could have skipped a lot more of it.... There were portions that said 'optional' yet didn't seem available at the time. Each stage would only progress once the optional tasks were done..... Not very optional for me this time round.

That aside everything else is a fans joyride of characters and places. STO does to adventure and journeys well!

I've been doing the current anniversary daily with the science character as my main main(tactical) has already claimed all the new emotes. Still some time to go before claiming the new ship.

In a previous post I spoke about claiming a free starter pack for the goodies it gave. Another promo caught my attention from a tweet and video that AdiiiSTO did. A promo the game is doing with Alienware. I'd seen it in the launcher news ticker but never clicked into it thinking it was only about entering a competition for PC hardware.
As my science character had claimed the last batch of goodies, I decided to collect it on my main alt engineer so he could benefit from it. To claim it in game I had to bin the Tardigrade from my engineers bank as it was an account crossover reward item from another pack. Really sweet to get extra goodies to boost another character!

I've also taken more of an interest in the Armada I'm in with the science character. Helping with projects etc. I might actually start looking into fleet ships/modules properly.

Characters aside it's good that the devs are improving the quality of life for players. Nice to see this change: Claim Your Admiralty Ships Automatically!

Another enjoyable experience I'm still having is STO on Xbox. Where I got to finish off the current event for the Voth Subcore console. More DPS is always a good thing and having the subcore to pop is great.

Only one more event to complete the campaign and claim a free ship.

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