Monday 17 February 2020


Continuing on with my Science Temporal Agent has lead me to doing the final mission episode. The Delta episode. Needed for the overall transponder mission bonus. 
It's an episode with a lot of parts, no wonder I left it till last. I'd forgotten how long it really was.

Doing the system patrol portions was easier than before thanks to the new in game patrol interface so not as much travelling back and forth needed.

After finishing off the Delta episode and getting to claim it's specific transponder reward; I was a bit puzzled, wondering why I'd not gotten the overall transponder bonus for completing all the episodes.

Then I remembered that while I'd 'just' completed the mission listed for the Kobali in the episode(visit the planet and do a mission handin.....

...I'd not done any of the story arc(ground missions) from that planet. That Kobali story arc is listed in a separate accolade from the Temporal Agent transponder. That accolade isn't listed anywhere as being needed but it was the last thing that was in any way related to a part of the Delta Episode.

The Kobali arc is long, making an already long delta episode even longer. It was a push to get through. Helped by watching some old season 4 of Voyager on the side as I went....
Kobali Prime isn't a fun place to battle in or navigate. Enemies spawn in large groups fast and can overwhelm you. Your only allowed to have 2 of your officers which adds to the hassle. While there are still players doing the missions there's not enough about to coincidentally get through each part fast or with ease.

After pushing though it the accolade completed, I checked the transponder and sure enough the overall reward was claimable.

As the finished accolade no longer lists the parts needed to complete it, here's the accolade screenshot form an alt. The part missing for me was the ground based mission chain 'Kobali Adventure Zone'. Sounds almost benign.

Going back to the planet proper was interesting, not all that much had changed....

So with all that out of the way I'm left with 'only' some more reputations to max out and 'some' commendations to level up.

Practically, that all boils down to a daily check-in to complete and start duty officer missions and reputation dailies. All of that can be done from Earth Spacedock. More time than anything else needed.

I claimed the latest freebie outfit. A nice freebie but no wonder there's a lot of circus ringmasters running about....

On a side note, I've been doing dailies(Doff/Admiralty/Reputation) with my Xbox main. Mainly due to the events that have been ongoing. If I'm logging in for that I may as well do some more.

I did get to do the last event daily needed to complete the campaign. Kind of feels underwhelming to claim it now. Opening the reward box allows you to select a T6 ship(same as from the actual Phoenix pack). While I'd put some thought into what ship I'd select(Bajoran Interceptor for the  D.O.M.I.N.O. console....); Actually opening and looking at selecting the ship I found myself second guessing that choice. Eyeing up the Kobali Samsar Cruiser again.

What I'd really like is the Samsar cruiser and the console from the interceptor.

That cruiser is also claimable with the ARC app points via achievements. Just from my casual play I'm about halfway through having enough points to get it that way.

Claim more ARC points would require more gameplay and achievements than just playing STO. I really don't want to play Neverwinter just for ARC points.... Besides the work I'd need to do in Neverwinter is a lot more and rewards less points than for STO and the STO achievements need a lot of work(like thisthese and this).

This version of the game is supposed to be for pure faffing about with fun. I really shouldn't be putting this much time and thought into it. I need to distance myself from this free Samsar cruiser idea. I really should trust my own previous judgment and claim the Bajoran ship.

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