Wednesday 19 February 2020


Ship claims all round. 

The Alliance 10th anniversary ship on PC is interesting.

I fitted it out with the best of the rest in the 'ol inventory plus what I had on a previous ad-hoc fit from a ship now in dry dock(the recent T6 Reliant Class - Cruiser). I stuck with the ships unpackaged anitproton theme. Casual is casual.

It's a good ship but I'm not convinced it's better than 50% of my current roster of ships. I did a few elite TFO's and patrols to get the mastery to 5. 

Kind of an underwhelming experience for the 10th anniversary reward. Definitely not a go to ship/meta replacement. Just a gut reaction from what I've done but still.
It'll stay in my active roster for now and I'll potter about with it when an opportunity appears.
I'll need to swap fits and faff about in a patrol or four to see and compare.

I also bite the bullet and claimed the Bajoran Interceptor from the token on Xbox.

I'm only using it for it's bundled D.O.M.I.N.O. console. Swapping it over to my current active ship.

I can hear some players who would see me place it in a Tactical slot scream that it should be in any other console slot but it's all a non serious work in progress.

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