Friday 7 August 2020

Battlefield 1....

The last three weeks or so have seen a lot more Battlefield 1 action. The usual highs, lows and everything in between. Despite a lower player count it's still a great multiplayer game.

The highs of gameplay range from great sniper kills, even better post death tripwire kills, fantastic tank main gun kills at range, some cool multi kill assault streaks.... They've been weeks that had it all. 

The lows are the usual, getting gank killed by planes or coordinated clan groups, shot through walls via cheaters or aim hacks, the usual at this stage and then some; With the odd bellend waffling away in text instead of gaming.

I don't mind if players waffle in text as they can be ignored(or sometimes hilariously funny) but it's when a player starts to mouth off and mess with another player in game; Like standing in front of them intentionally blocking their view. That's being a true gobshíte. So yea I met one of them this last week. Specifically a player that told me a sniper in an attic shooting out a window(covering an objective) that I was "a fool camper"(And here comes my own childish petty rant).

The fact I was a sniper should have been enough to halt such a petty derogative gaming term; Never mind it being an objective based game where you literally sit on a create! But he waffled and then he stood in front of me. Dick move for an ignorant tw@ (seen end of the edited clip here).

If only that player could learn the difference.

Yea I'm over analyzing this shít but it's fun to do as well. Giving me motivation to waffle and edit some video about BF1.

Players can play any way they want, lazy, ignorant, overenthusiastic; They can play any class, any way and I'll have no problem unless it's cheating or specifically f**king with another player(or me).

It's annoying to have to game with gobshítes like that! Knowitall's that are not.
As if the enemy team weren't enough for him.... Why f**k with a member of your own team covering an objective!

Swap teams if it's so annoying, go to another server!

Don't stand in front of other players being a douche.

Usually this type of stuff doesn't bother me, I ignore and game on. It's his f**king with my gameplay that pissed me off(my tolerance was low to begin with). So I went out of my way to stay exactly where I was. Call me a camper, no problem I'll camp! Childish of me but if he was annoyed by me before hand I wanted to annoy him even more after.

Anyway, I like being a sniper.

Assaults not bad either ;)

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