Thursday 27 August 2020

Games with Gold....

The Division. A game I wasn't into(see here in 2016here in 2017 and here in 2019). Bullet sponge enemies and PvP and loot capture to kill a persons soul. Oh yea and those dudes that attack you with bats for one hit kills. All said and done free is free, I might just take another look and see how it's Xbox incarnation is.

The Book of Unrivalled Tales 2. A surprising game that's somewhat timeless in it's quirky style and story telling. A more classic game in a good way. Another game to try. Reminds me a lot of the OG Xbox game The Hobbit I looked at.

de blob 2 Another fun and quirky game, a platformer that looks like it would be worth giving a go.

Then there's Armed and Dangerous. Some humor to it but it's an original Xbox game that in my opinion hasn't aged well. Claim and shelve for me.

3 ish out of 4 free games to try.... Even if it's a download, try, uninstall.

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