Monday 24 August 2020

Star Trek Online....

The continuing voyages.

My Jem'Hadar is 1 more Doff assignment category away from getting 6 level 4's to claim his account wide unlock. Time and random assignments still make this a slow process.

His R&D is Dilithium hampered and a lot slower. To the point where I'm questioning going any further.

And for no other reason than it was there, all his reputations are at level 6. I've relatively not spent that much time on the character and he's more finessed than my two main 'alts'.

Until recently I think I was still in a mindset of character class, when the reality is that any character can use any ship with any setup(and 'class' traits) as to be equal to each other. That's from my generalist casual view. Class's in name only. So the effort to min/max isn't worth it, unless your really into that. I have love for my 'main alts' but it's a player choice to put a specific character of a specific class in a specific ship that are all labeled under the same heading. Engineer/Engineering. Science/Scientific. It all blends out the same. Unless your being specific. Really is a player choice or is that a players self limitation.....

On my KDF character the Vigilance unlock was confirmed by support as a 'bug'. So I presume that won't be fixed any time soon; Not if it's been a 'bug' in the game since they removed the mission arc(lots on Reddit and user groups on the subject).
I do have the accolade for it so did the arc at some stage of the alts life....

It's not a reward under the claim NPC so no account unlock is possible.....

I'd have thought it an important thing for devs to look at when altering the game as they did...

Is what it is.

On the sunnier side my main finished off the summer event and claimed the ship(account wide). My Xbox character has one more day to go.

I've continued doing the daily for the Dil rewards.

It's a better looking ship in person than I thought it would be. Smaller than I expected but still fast enough to be handy in close enough combat. With enough inertia to power-slide and turn gracefully.

Faster and more nimble than a lot of ships around it's size.

Given it's a Risian ship and the consoles they come with are based on speed/crowed control(ish); I ran with that theme for a best in inventory fit. I didn't strip other ships or go out of my way for anything on it and it's performance surprised me.... I get a lot of that with this type of shizfit scenario.

So much fun that I've not unfitted and discharged it after gaining the level 5 mastery.... Fun is fun. More to come.

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