Thursday 13 August 2020

Star Trek Online....

Half way on the summer event already. Time flies.

I thought it'd be the same on the Xbox character but I must have failed to hand-in or did a hand-in when the timer hadn't fully reset so it didn't count. Either way she's behind by a day.

Speaking of Xbox, that character has done a few of the events; Spent some spare lobi on the favors and gotten some items, the most expensive of which is a better jet-pack(1000 favors) to do the daily faster.

The old basic jet-pack should really have been replaced the first xbox summer I was in on Xbox but it is what it is. Upgraded now and it makes so much difference.

Back on my Jem'Hadar I knew things would be really slow to progress but it's really slow. Doff assignments are dependent on location so being in Earth space dock all he gets are a mixed bag of standard stuff. I don't have the motivation to move him to a more optimum location. The Dyson sphere was good for a while. I might park him on Deep Space Nine for a bit, see if he gets nostalgic for the wormhole as well as alter his Doff assignment lists.

Otherwise I've been blitzing TFO's on my Delta Recruit KDF alt(of an alt of an alt). Accessing freebies as his level improves. Also adding stuff from the Phoenix prize store(Doff's, Dil tribble, admiralty ships etc etc). A few more TFO's today got him to level 65. So yea, I've been messing about with the character a good bit. It's easier to 'fix up' a lower level character that's not had a lot of attention; Or at least it feels like you accomplish more. It's a good thing.
He's claimed a lot of account wide rewards including a large number of ships. However he leveled up so fast that he couldn't gain mastery in most of them . With him hitting level 65 I got the pop-up for the Specters chain; and has gotten about halfway through it. Happy day's.

A bit of a new look for him as well, not bad but not fully happy with it. Need to adjust his Borg implants again at the very least.

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