Wednesday 5 August 2020

Star Trek Online....

A new summer event and a new ship. No real new updates to the old event, the usual new vanity/store items and the ship etc. Day two today but to early for my activities to count yet. Cooldown on that ends in a few hours.

I picked up the new multicolored tribble and caracal.

As for the ship CounterYolo Gaming did a good analysis of it. Well worth a watch.
None of my characters have any real need of it. I have access to better Science based ships. Free is free even if it's by doing the event. I enjoy the events activities so getting the ship isn't a chore.

I'm even doing it with my main on my xbox account. 19 days doing a daily on each, great on my PC main and his best of the best jetpack; Painfully slow on my Xbox main with her slowest of the slow basic jetpack.



I'd really like to pick up the new Risian Kit Frame and the new ball lightning kit module as well as a few other minor items from the event store; But that will need my main to grind. I might wait till the event is half done and the exchange is flooded with the event currency, buy up a lot there. Time will tell on that. Either way I'll be working on items for my main and not any main alt or alt or alt alt..... etc etc etc...

I mentioned the new cartoon characters are now duty officers.... While I did claim them and intended to treat them like all Doff's in a claim and forget manner; I actually like the ability of one of them...

Yet set in a space slot it/he doesn't seem to do anything.... Joke on me perhaps....

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