Wednesday 26 August 2020

Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2....

Browsing the 'free with game pass' games on the Microsoft Windows 10 store; I came across Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2. An install followed. After the last time I'd looked about the game I was sure I'd be hooked on a game with a harsh difficulty curve.

One install later and I was in the game. It's better than the first, sleeker UI, better more war torn universe encompassing story. Lore by the bucket load as you'd expect; And yes a difficulty curve to make a person cry.

The tutorial mission gets you used to losses from the start, a big loss as well. A game to avoid if your looking for perfection in your win or play-style. I had alarms going off in my head. I know the more I'd play the game the more I'd want to do things better. Replay-ability would be a curse as I'd be trying to improve from mission to mission. Then I'd be stuck in a loop of personal perfection hell.

Some games can still be pleasurable on an 'easy' mode but with games like this there isn't that much difference one way or another, it's still difficult. Even if it's a tiny bit easier, in this game 'easy' feels like cheating. Not really cheating, it just seems like it. More as an honor thing.

Anyway that's me in this game. Getting to play it only confirms all I've thought. Others may enjoy it one way or the other ('harder'). It's a game I'd play on normal but a game I know I'd get stuck on the more detail I got into. Persisting to the point of frustration and that's not fun. Next thing you know it's put on the back burner and tried every month or so till I get to a stage of culling it from a list of games I need to get back to.

I know better than to start and get into it.


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