Thursday 20 August 2020

Battlefield 1....

The last week in Battlefield 1 has again been an on par experience......The usual. High's, lows and GG's in between. The previous weeks Frontlines mode was a fun one and I got a lot of good games. Like this one, even if it was a defeat:

This week I've avoided the theme of the week matches; Hardcore Team Deathmatch with no UI/spotting/identification and team kills enabled. Close quarters combat and twitchy trigger fingers don't mix well with players who are overly verbose and critical. For my part I was killing anything holding a gun that came around a corner at me. So no I wasn't being a great team player. Not my match type for sure. I think I only played two rounds. When I'd wait to visually identify a target ... that split second was when I'd be killed by a team mate or an enemy. Funny how players who are low down the Kill/Death ration can be the most butt hurt, screaming abuse at players. The things some game modes can do to players. Needless to day I went and got matches from the general Conquest and Domination queues, my favourites. Seems most of the player-base has been doing the same as there were plenty of players in those types of modes.....

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