Friday 6 August 2021

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

The last two weeks(or so) I've found myself playing a lot more BF1 on Xbox. 

While I'm all in on the PC version there are two main reasons at play it on Xbox now.

First off I find the console version of PC games that little bit different as to be a 'new' experience. I've seen this over the last 'while'(years), on and off with Star Trek Online. So access to the base BF1 game via game-pass was an 'of course' I'll try it.

Secondly my brother in law is big into previous Battlefield, Cod and multiplayer console shooters in general. Talking recently he had gotten BF1 and was looking for more team members.... But it seems BF V is getting in the way as he and a friend seem to favor it... So my thinking is maybe playing more BF1 and sharing some gameplay could change a mind or two... 
Meh, there's a lot of minor considerations in the mix. He like another mate of mine whos is also easily distracted by gameplay shiny things(Feet first into a game only to jump feet first into another game a second later).

Getting back to a multiplayer online shooter with a controller is a return to my Xbox 360 days of Battlkefield 4 and CoD Modern Warfare and Black Ops; But back I am, bad aim and all (aim overcompensation).

Aside from my getting used to things again I've been making progress overall. Fun is being had.

With the game being the 'base' game I was starting to miss my earned and unlocked loadouts/weapons from being a 'high level' PC player. Not a whole lot as there is fun is being low level and having less to work with, making do. That said the biggest loss was in map rotations. While there are plenty of 'base' game map servers; Getting the 'server no longer has content you can play' got old fast.
But, synchronicity was there last week, a favorable sale for the game including DLC/season pass made the choice to buy easy. €7.99 can't argue with that.

With the purchase the game has literally opened up. Access to servers running all the maps and all the modes, all the time.

One problem remains, display lag.

I have a busy desk, since the Xbox one app allowed it I've steamed all gameplay to PC via it since; Replacing the 'console monitor' on my desk. In place of it I setup my laptop in a more permanent way(cable management etc.); But getting back into multiplayer on the console means the 2 millisecond delay in streaming is a real killer to my gamepaly. So a HDMI cable back on the console and connected to the laptop HDMI in....Sorted the problem.
I'd mess about with connecting the cable to my main PC monitors alternative input but then Windows throws a hissy fit and shunts all the desktop icons/content to the second screen and it's a mess I can live without; Even if it sorts itself out once the input signal is 'gone'. Simpler to use the laptop and keep the PC 100% usable.

I can still use the app to stream to PC and capture that footage(no external capture device, can't justify it, nor splurge). That has it's own problems as the millisecond delays kicks in; It gets a bit weird in playback, skips and jumps as well as audio desyncing. Still it's a way to capture some footage and still get flawless output to the alternative screen(laptop) for actual gameplay enjoyment/viewing.

All that said I'm not taking the game as seriously as I do the PC version. It's a fun distraction via the console experience. As only consoles can. Like aimed mode being a softer visual than on PC where it's always the same sharpness. It's a 'console thing'(trick?) that reminds me of playing the original Operation Flashpoint and then playing the Original XBox release version. There are just certain things that do and don't change visually and with gameplay when crossing platforms. Some things never change; Same but worlds apart.

     Yea the laptop is still in use even after complaining about it over 3 years ago..... Still doing it's job and still capable.

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