Monday 10 January 2022


4 hours and 40 mins for a casual full play-through(just over 60k steps.... ), including two other minor saves. A free roam save and an audio tour that I only went up to 6 of the audio commentaries. On that last part, when I made it to audio station 7 it was unavailable and looking at the map it had 44+ more entries/stations; That's too much content to go and unlock/get to them, never mind playing the game in full again so soon to do so. 

I was surprised at how much I'd forgotten about the main story. Playing it was enjoyable, immersive and for the most part no hassle. A short game, but not as short as some(like Journey here and here). 

Like every game, each gamer will get what they want from a game, either it clicks with or it doesn't. This one did it for me; It's got the looks and sounds(Full OST from the official YouTube).

The story flows, playing is intuitive and as much map reading/updating as there seems to be in it's doing, it doesn't feel like that's all you do in the game. Even if I got turned around once or twice(especially once the compass goes digital).

I'm glad I got to play it through Gamepass on PC. Getting to scratch the itch of whether it was worth playing it myself 'for free'. Which it was(worth it for the gamplay) and if I'd have picked up the game during the last Steam or GoG sale I'm sure I'd have been happy(I think it was -75% off, down to 4.99 Euro's at the time).

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