Monday 24 January 2022

The Matrix Resurrections....

I can accept it is what it is(lets not over complicate this new movie too much) and I can let a lot in the movie fly, all except the ending.

A better ending would have been for Trinity to hold Neo's hand, look him in the eye and say 'time to fly as they jump'; Play the original Rage against the Machine Killin in the Name (couldn't even have that continuity), see them fly holding hands & Cut to credits! That sax/brass cover of the song sucks, just saying. Just like this movie, that new version of the song is worse than that which came before.

Expectation died when I heard it was a bad movie even if I had no specific details btu I had to see for myself.

So yea I can accept it is what it is(lets not over complicate this new movie too much) and I can let a lot in the movie fly, all except the ending.

That Trinity saves Neo by flying scene followed with the new architect(The ANALyst or whatever he was/is); Is just a cringeworthy addition to make the new 'One' Trinity. Doing so by shítting all over the previous trilogy and this new movie in a big F.U. to everything(and I feel that personally as a fan that followed the trilogy and likes continuity), for no reason than they could. I'm disappointed. I had faith that it wouldn't be as bad as people were saying and that there would be explanations no matter how slim. There were, there was explanation and it was slim in reasoning. It is what it is. Some of it is better than others but all pale in comparison to all the was before.

All through the movie I could let things go, let it slide, let it be it's own new thing; But that last 5 minutes or so... Was like reopening a wound that was just starting to heal. That wound was my acceptance of this movie as it was... Was then stomped on for no other reason than they could.... And now makes me resent a while lot more and the movie in general. 

I've watched the movie once and I see no reason to see it again. Those last 2 scenes have left such a bad taste in my mouth.Trinity in the trilogy never flew. Was never The One..... Her special power was love for Neo and Neo had his faith and love in Trinity to make him see his blind faith for her; And that all went off the roof for no reason than to make trinity something she never was for no reason than she was a woman. As if traditional love of a paired couple is now considered such a bad thing. That's why the ending I wanted is as I said, for plain old continuity of what was already there. A love story at it's base.  The movie was it is; As if their love, faith in themselves as a couple is such a bad thing now. 

On an interesting side note.The Neo/Trinity resurrection body rebuild scene was so reminiscent of some of the Animatrix machine human experimentation history it was a spark of world building that was lacking in the rest of the movie for the most part.

Dámn it.  This movie is such a mix of could of been good with disappointing payoff bad, of fun and fucking with fans. 

What makes it worse is that the Neo flaying thing was recalled twice in the film. Once on his way to confinement and again as he actually tried to fly. A much, much, much better payoff for that would have been for my ending.... INSTEAD OF TRINITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adapt to change is a narrative. Take the fans along for the ride but to just pop stuff out of thin air just because....... FK OFF!

If the trilogy is a steady decline then Resurections is the slat at the end of the fall. This new movie is an attempt to be deeper than it thinks it is even if some of the ideas come from a 'good place'; The payoff is lacking.

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