Friday 28 January 2022

Tetris Effect and Battlefield 1....

Yea that's not a usual combination(again) but for me this last week it's been a thing. 

I've waffled before that getting a video together is a casual, gut feel thing for me. That's a good and bad thing. Good in there's no pressure, it's for fun.... Bad, especially when I see a jump in subscribers after my latest two Battlefield 1 videos; So slight pressure there to 'make the magic happen' again(I do like the last two BF1 vids and here). So when the good and bad mix, irony, confusion, motive and lack of motivation ensues etc....

Time passes and things happen or they don't. It is what it is..... Plus the real life lark does tend to get in the way never mind more gaming elsewhere.... 

So why Tetris... I've still been playing more of it than BF1.... The lack of motivation to push a BF1 video into completion has seen other games move up... Tetris isn't an FPS but I've been getting a lot of gamplay fulfillment from it in the meantime.. 
I play Tetris almost on a automatic mode...  In a brain off, zen kind of way... Not in it for perfection or scores but when a new personal record happens it's a bonus....

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