Wednesday 12 January 2022

Star Trek Online....

The latest Red Alert event has allowed some helpful quick runs to gain rep marks for both my wife and I. 

The Zen stipend from my Lifetime sub(sub info here, here & here) came through so I got to convert about 100 of it's 500 into Dilithium; Which covered the remaining costs for my Discovery characters winter event ship 're'build(item buy cost as well as re-engineering for the full fit). 

The ship in space now reminds me of a type of shark looking for a hug....

Thankfully the Dil exchange is still maxed out that way(Zen to Dil) ... You can't buy Zen with Dil 'like in the old days'; Well you can it's just not practical. It's a maxed out system, if not for that limit it would have lead to rampant unstoppable inflation. I guess selling Zen is a better money maker for the games company....A broken system is too good of a smokescreen for the real world profits. Which is a pity even if it benefits half the users of the system. Anyway.

I've been plugging away with my wife on our latest alts. My KDF puddy-tat and her Delta recruit. I'm really liking the Vor'cha he got to select from his last level up reward, a TNG classic. Gameplay was all good fun; Until I spoke too soon and said as much as we played. While I made it through the Temporal Ambassador mission my wife's run ended when the end 'enemy boss' glitched out and stayed at 0% health when it should have been killed by the time travelling allied NPC.... Meaning she had to exit and leave the mission unfinished. 

Still there have been other missions, other episodes completed and fun had all round. I've still been holding off on claiming any of the account unlocked ships, items or gear. As I mentioned before I'm aiming for him to be in the sub par Caitian Carrier. I'll do so when he hits 65, which is just around the corner. 

Good in it's usual colours but I guess I'm a sucker for the Reman Covariant shield's looks..

It wasn't the only glitch as an unkillable mission NPC decided to die...... We were a long time waiting to see if he'd reach the gate he was to unlock.... As we tried to log off/on/reset etc....

But not that long as the 'ol Alt-F4 'ooops' I disconnected trick(for both of us) worked. My wife's version of the mission (even when we were both in it) was still glitched; But when I went to the mission first then she joined, the good Dr was alive and cowering as usual. Which was strange as he passed his own dead body.....Glitchy but work-aroundable. STO is STO...

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