Friday 7 January 2022


An hour and forty minutes isn't a long game from start to finish. I did it in two sessions with the bulk probably being an hour the first night. That said I can't blame the game for being short. It is what it is. Maybe I should have taken more time and looked around more. Looking at the Steam achievements certainly proves that.

While there's an achi for taking a break from the game for a week; The achievements for the game aren't any reason for me to return to it. Not for me in this game right now. I think it being as short as it is, is both a negative and a positive. Positive in you can clear it the first time you play it(own mileage and value in that can vary). Negative in that I don't see it as a game to return to; The Journey is only a mystery and 'special' once. Just thinking of redoing it is(feels) off-putting. Which is why I suppose there's an achi for giving it a week long break.

The game, the journey, is good and what I said before I still agree with. The journey has been worth it(but if it wasn't on sale I'd feel a bit hard done by on game-play value). 

That said its a game that's stuck with me and made me ponder, wonder and question it; The gamepaly, the story etc.... So in that regard, the game has been more than 'just' the gameplay. 
Each person will get what they get from it. 

I can only recall jumping about with 2 other, what I thought were characters in game. Players apparently! So I may have passed by the 5 other players unknowingly. The credis name them all. 
Not that there's any real interaction between players. You see them in the same places you are and if they spot a way to do something or it's not their first time through then it's a help to just see them and where they are going. Or how they are going about it. So to those I saw and those I didn't realise were there, o7

I could waffle about the journey, pro's, con's. If it's worth it or not but I find myself waffling on further than is needed. It's not a clear cut yes or no and that grey area in between is vast. Maybe it's worth your time, maybe I'm trying to get more from a short game so I'm waffling. 

It's become evident to me that this game is the reverse of another I mentioned in my first post. Firewatch. My experience of Firewatch was to watch a full and interesting youtube playthough, thinking to myself there there was no real value in playing the actual game myself(seen it all, story was all told). Journey has been all secondary meta knowledge and not knowing the game; Then playing it and pondering(even still). If there's such value for me in Journey, as short as it is, then Firewatch (which I've already gotten entertainment and emotion from) could be so much more in person..... Plus I see it's now available on the Xbox Ultimate Pass for PC.....

Time to take another journey.

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