Wednesday 5 January 2022

Mobile Gaming....

Whatever your stance on phones, phone providers or the overarching iOS vs Android 'thing', mobile gaming has advanced so so much. I'm a PC gamer and as such have always leaned towards Android; Just as 'biased' as I am for Windows 'PC' instead of Apple. For me PC is more 'free'(Microsoft is trying hard for it not to be and I'm succumbing) than Apple(and it's hardware) has been for me.

This is all so very very subjective and each to their own for sure(as with most things).

The first game on a phone that I ever bought was Gameloft's Splinter Cell. That's going back a bit!
It took a good few years and development of technology and the android platform in general for me to buy another 'mobile' game. By that time touch screens and Tablets started to be 'a thing'. Some games that were interesting to buy were, Starship Traveller and Radiant Defense(with all DLC). Very much point and click rather than today's more full on use a controller and chosen device 'just' as a screen(in more ways than one). But that's the way the 'platform' has developed; More powerful devices allowing greater experiences. The last few years a few free games I've got on my phone include Hitman Sniper(free from a promotion), Farm Simulator 16 (blogged about it here) and Albion Online(a game that's gotten better since I waffled about it here). They seem to have endured the most. Free is free and stay installed if tried and liked etc.... 

'Free' games aside 2 purchase in 20 years does not an expert make. I'm still a buy it to own and keep 'forever' gamer which is increasingly difficult these days as devices change/advance so much more quickly; and the lean to subscription services is strong. Never mind the quality and quantity of apps and games available. But those issues are a whole other discussion.

A long preamble to say that I've always had an eye on 'gaming' via Google Play on Android devices; And while never really convinced to part with cash I've still kept an eye on 'some things'. Here's a few of them worthy of mention just to share.

Free games:

UnCiv - An open-source civilization game.

Simon Tatham's Puzzles - A collection(39) single-player open-source logic puzzle games.

Pocket City 'free' - A SimCity game.

To buy(of most interest to me but not yet bought):

Exploding Kittens - As fun as the card game and while the app needs extra in game purchases for better gameplay, if your into the game then that's your decision made.... But it is fun....

Sorcery! All 4 books of the Fighting Fantasy Sorcery book series are available(Book1Book 2Book 3Book 4).

Monument Valley & Monument Valley 2 - Point and click exploration...

Games I already own on PC and am 'interested' in a 'mobile' version:

As for the last 4, while I'd be interested in getting them, and as cheap as they are, I've already got and played them collectively for hundreds and hundreds of hours on PC... Ultimately I don't really 'need' the mobile version good as they are; But I like the idea of them on my phone..... Plus the price, all four for under €20!

Android, such a viable gaming platform these days(options)..... No wonder the average teenager has no clue how to work PC's any more... How times change!

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