Thursday 13 January 2022

Sniper Elite 3....


After reading up on the game I can see why some are complaining about the games limitations and why others are more like myself being forgiving. It's not a perfect game. It is what it is and I like it. I've not played the first or second games but I've come to 3 because 4 was so good. I've waffled before about that. Seeing where the 4th game came from and the improvements on 3 into 4... Well it made me wish-list the 5th game due out later this year. I guess that means I like the development trend. I'm new to this franchise so all I have is my recent experiences. Hard to keep all the people happy all of the time. Especially with a franchise iteration. Keep things the same and people will complain there's nothing new. Change too much and they complain it's too radical.

The more I've played 3 the more I see what can be classed as limitations when comparing it to the 4th game. A lot more apparent. Draw distance being the main factor. Long distance shots are a luxury. As is the X-Ray bullet impact visualizations which seem to be only available on harder difficulties. Not a bad thing as I think the game needs the higher difficulty to give a more meaningful experience(I've been playing on Sniper Elite and still consider it casual). That said it also makes the 3rd game a lot more niche. Not for everyone. Almost in a hardcore way but not quiet. With increased difficulty it's 'just' a bit more unforgiving and I'm ok with that. Unforgiving in a punish my own mistakes way.

What the 3rd game does better is force you to be stealthy. A choice in the 4th game is more a necessity in the 3rd. Smaller maps mean smaller leeway for 'louder' options. Less maneuver room as either you or the enemy are funneled into each other. That's oversimplifying the situation but it is what it is. I do know I've a greater fear of enemy grenades in the 3rd game than I've ever had in the 4th.

The game has the same number of levels/maps as the 4th so I'm on 4 of 8. I'm sure the maps will open up a a bit more as the end map seems to be a large facility. Large as in this games version of large. As is the end facility in the 4th game, large for it. 

The third game is enjoyable but it has more of a going through the motions feel for me. I guess that's my being spoiled from the 4th game as to what to expect. I'll finish it off and as it was gotten at a sale price I've already gotten worth from it. Can I recommend the game, yes; But I'd say play 4 if you can only get one game. If you can pick up both then play 3 first and then you'll enjoy 4 all the more. And as with both games it's better to start on an increased difficulty then ratchet it down rather than the reverse.

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