Thursday 10 March 2022

Battlefield 1....

As with most games, game-play can happen by mood and by choice. Sometimes you just click an icon without planning. Last night I did just that for BF1 on PC. It's been a while. I'd been planning to do some BF1 on Xbox but in waiting to finish off some Star Trek Online R&D I drifted to PC. What harm in a match or two..... I didn't do too badly. I'm very much in it for the game-play and not just a high K/D ratio. Different strokes for different folks. For me I'm more 'into it' the action, the ebb and flow of battle and 'making a difference'. There's noting better than joining a match and even just putting up a flare change a matches direction. Hard fought matches are the best.

As for the video editing of the clips, it was as quick and unexpected as the gameplay. Bit like this post.

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