Tuesday 29 March 2022

The Planet Crafter....

It's been interesting to see Planet Crafter grow in audience. It's development and outreach in the last few weeks has been akin to that of Minecraft back in the day but on a more accelerated level. It's because of that previous experience that I think I'm so into the game(my journey here, here and here). The game has and builds on the same compelling gameplay elements. Gather, craft, survive, with the added bonus of actually shaping the entire planet your on.

The game going from Prologue demo with a playable development build to it's current paid Alpha has been an interesting one. The experience of playing as much about the gameplay as for the development changes. Those changes, seeing things how they were and the excited enthusiasm for a post patch content update is a thrill to say the least. The excitement for new discoveries be it landscape, story and /or a half hidden crate in a new cave..... It's just that, thrilling, exciting, nostalgic, new.... Yea I'm waffling but I'm into it and liking it.

The game is still in Alpha, there is more to be done and I've faith that it will be.

Thankfully the update from development to Alpha was seamless for me. My save worked and all was well in 'my' world. The only thing that had changed was a small bump in the landscape which left two small drills slightly hovering. No biggie, deconstruct and reconstruct.

Other than that the only strange things in the world is in two locations where it sounds like I've walked over an area and the noise of doors opening happens.... With no visible structure or access to anything around; and a single ore hovering in space in a location that was not in the game previously.

The development build had no 'greening' of the planet enabled. So to see it start in the Alpha was great.

Soon enough the moss spread.

Seeing the world your working to bring to life, come to life is certainly a motivation.

The asteroids falling were kept non destructive to player buildings. Not that they ever were but there is a gut feeling of fear when they appear and hit the ground. They now drop various random ore types; Handy enough for the early game crafter. They're also more themed with a pronounced hue to the red are Iridium and Blue for Osmium etc.... Really good to see. Depending on what resources you want you could be given a bit of a windfall just when you need it.  

Speaking of windfalls, the number of lootable wrecks is nice.... Take crashed satellites; I thought they were just for flavour til I clicked on one ans saw it's cargo.... I've been more diligent with clicking on things now. Big and small.

Speaking of satellites; The upgraded GPS satellite launch gives a view that is one stage behind the current world. It now gives a view of what was the development branch world. The current Alpha expands out a lot more.

The expansion of the landscapes are great so see. Not just distant nothingness in development but a landscape stretching out. A landscape to climb, fall and hurt yourself on. Yea the game has also implemented fall damage. Noting too harsh but enough to be more careful.

It's been a whirlwind of new technology as well. So very busy with upgrading both personal gear and machinery.

The DNA manipulation and bringing trees to life is an interesting one.

There's a bit of a balancing act with increasing the terraforming index. I've no clue what I'm really doing but balancing the number of environment altering machinery seems to work for me. Add one of the largest heating machines then I'll add one of the largest tree spreaders and seed spreaders and biomass etc etc. 

The story developing in the game is also an interesting one. The story of the planet; 'Your' story and more. Each wreck has information. Or you come across log entries. 

There's enough vagueness to allow a lot of reading between the lines and be happy enough that there's some new info that spreads some light on 'things'. Then there's some not so subtle information.

Aim between the two large outcroppings on the left and you'll find a big piece of a puzzle.

As for something else.... These do look like doors to me.

Not that I'm spoiling anything but one or two textures on rocks look a lot like a bullet hole with a blood splatter. Maybe I've been on the planet too long and I'm seeing things!


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