Friday 11 March 2022

Cities Skylines....

I'd all but retired the game when an update regarding it's 7th birthday popped up. Checking out the details I was surprised by the amount of extra content for the game has gotten(since the last time I was saying that in 2019). It's really got more than the Sims 4! Or at least it feels like it. The list looks huge next to the 6 that I do own(another 32 of them between content and audio). The base game is currently free on the Epic game store for the week(till the 17th). Not the first time it's been free there; I'd still not buy from that store but free is free.

The birthday update and 'gift' is a Chirper themed hot air balloon that unleashes a lot of tourists above your city. The more you place the more balloons go up. A nice little addition to add some fun. Nothing to bring me back to the game but nice to see.

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