Wednesday 30 March 2022

Games with Gold....

April's Games with Gold are another mixed bag ranging from interesting to meh for me. It's teh usual middle of the road kind of selection. It's all subjective and with so many gamers subscribed and a wide audience to claim the games I'm sure it's a case of Microsoft can't keep all of the people happy all of the time. The good thing about the potluck is that you might get something you like which you'd have not gone out of your way for if not for it being free this month.

Another Sight, looks to be a game I'll try. A character switching exploration adventure with interesting gameplay. It might be the side scrolling and art style but it reminds me a lot of Alpha Planet.

Hue. I've not been into the more Limbo esque style of games such as Hue. It's got a lot of great gameplay mechanics and I get it but I think it 'could' get frustrating for me as the puzzles and reaction times in it are increase as you go... Try it and see I guess!

Outpost Kaloki X, Different but another game not for me from what I've seen of it. It may be slapstick funny but as much as some things age well there's something about it that hasn't in my view. I could be wrong but I think the effort playing won't be worth the time. I've seen some comments saying the game is deeper than it looks... Time will tell.

MXvsATX Alive, Not a franchise or sport I've ever been into so not a game that I feel any need for; But an install and a few minutes of gameplay will test the proof in the pudding.

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