Monday 21 March 2022

Two Point Hospital....

With the surprise launch of new DLC for Two Point Hospital. I had some excitement for something new being added to a great game. 

I still had that excitement on day one after playing it. It's new game mechanics are good(essentially no more walk in not relying on walk in patients, gotta go get them yourself). The new rooms/equipment and treatments are as comical and well done as ever. Under the weather patients leaving trails of water are a new janitors nightmare.

I like everything about the DLC. I just don't know why I'm not really playing it. I potter for a few minutes then save and leave till the following day or two. I might call it burnout from the main campaign but that's been long ago and the other DLC's either never clicked or were left in the same way(as I was saying last time). The only real difference is that I'm into this one! So I'm surprised to see that I've not been playing it as much as I thought I would. I'm not the only one as my wife hasn't been back to it since trying it the first time.... 

My last game session was about 30 minutes. Longer than most days since getting it and that was to setup a research room to help with cash flow. As much as has been changed via the DLC, perhaps not much has really changed. As the saying goes the more things change the more they stay the same. The common denominator of the game is still it's core gameplay; Not much song and dance can hide that.
Maybe I'll be more into it after I've spent some more time with it. More to ponder about this but at least I'm plugging away little by little. 

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