Wednesday 16 March 2022

Sniper Elite 4....

With the end of the main campaign(here and here) I took a bit of a break from the game; Then in more recent weeks went back to do the 'extra' missions. Having bought the all singing, all dancing version on a Steam sale I can't say if it was worth it back in the day at whatever a full price was. I can say that the DLC missions have given me more; More difficult and larger maps to enjoy, and I've enjoyed them. So for the future I'm sure that such an all inclusive version will be on sale again and I'd say that it's well worth it.

Anyway, I've been back to it on and off progressing the DLC content just like I did in the 3rd game; more on that game here and here.

The maps have been more of the same good fun. Large maps, tactics from silent to 'loud'. More difficult enemies, like elite snipers/troops. Or area's that merge and mingle lots of arcs of fire from multiple patrols/enemies. Which can all lead to a lot of 'fun'. 
Silent moments taking out guards leads to an all out alert and in that 'get out of dodge' moment you round a blind corner and run into another patrol and the flash of a sniper scope somewhere; Running into a building and up the stairs bumping into another enemy you knife. Options limited and the heart-rate of your character pounding as you aim to cover the stairway to the attic; pondering in your mind if you have time to run to the window behind you for 'options' or stay and 'get' the first enemy to follow you.....

The more I play the more I tend to be both loud and quiet. Noting like an enemy on edge who don't know whats coming.

There are some set pieces, but not many and all usually fun. Like the Hitler escape. 

Most come in the form of completed objectives which get a wave of enemy reinforcements; Which you that get to ambush or be ambushed by. Again that brings me back to my Hidden and Dangerous 2 days and nostalgia; Setting up mines to destroy reinforcement tanks/troops.

Other moments are obvious fun. Coming across a new weapon and a large target filled with explosive barrels; Be a shame not to use it! 

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