Monday 28 March 2022

Two Point Hospital....

The new DLC has grown on me. I've not dived in head first since last time but taken my time and yea it's grown on me. 

The same essential hospital elements are there. The game is the game at heart. No surprise. Making cash is king. So gaming the research is still a quick must do. I guess I was expecting some more subtle changes to it's underlying mechanics. Once the initial cash hardship is done; And the main gameplay of the DLC kicks in. Not to mention the money being generated, it's fun.

Nothing like some patented money generation!

The game got itself confused as I went back to my old main Research hospital and I got a pop up for the last old community project(which completed about two real world years ago)!? Weird but whatever.

Progress is progress. The first hospital of the DLC is complete with three stars.

While the second hospital opens up early enough into the first hospitals life; I like to get three stars before moving on to do the next.

Which should be some good game-play in the coming week. Time to take the helicopter view.

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