Friday 18 March 2022

The Planet Crafter....

The more I play Planet Crafter the more three movies come to mind The Martian, Finch and to a lesser extent Red Planet. Lots of similarities in themes and crossover appeal. The game is more immersive because I'm into those types of movies as I overlay my own form of roleplay. Like Minecraft the more I potter about with the game the more I need want to do in it. Since the last time I've posted I've changed a lot around. Even with images below, they aren't all up to the current minute I've been changing so much about.

I've hope for the additional elements of the game to come. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I'll be happy if saves are kept between versions and survive all the way till release.... It's still early day's yet. Either way I have to admit to having hype for it. The next update in a weeks time will add a lot. So no surprise to say I'm looking forward to it.

As for gameplay..... I've been refining my current base setup. Taking down smaller tech and putting up larger versions as I 'advance'. Also adding in a much bigger material storage 'facility' in anticipation for the patch and the larger extractors/miners. The next patch will lead to more tweaking as it adds to the scope and scale of things, so plenty more to be changed yet.

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