Tuesday 14 August 2018

Planet Coaster....

Speaking of thinning my gaming herd, another game I'm marking off is Planet Coaster. As much as games of it's ilk scratch my micromanagement itch; It doesn't scratch it as much as Cities Skylines does. I've put a lot of time into Skylines, it's still ongoing for me from time to time. Especially given a sale on a DLC or two, more of that is to come in the future.

Planet coaster is perhaps too detailed. Like placement of individual paving blocks kind of detailed. Not that that kind of thing had to be done. But min/maxing on a whole other level like that is an easy trap to fall into. Scenarios and challenges aside. I've been happy with the standard placement of park rides and scenery etc. Staff rosters was a step too far for me. So in reflection as much as the game entertained it also annoyed, tipping the balance of the micromanagement one way or the other. A happy balance is a hard thing to keep in this game. At least in my lil 'ol opinion.

I've been convincing myself that if I was into the game I'd be playing. Given I've not been wholeheartedly into it, it's time to cut my losses and move on. Give my time to the games I do want to spent time in.... Cities Skyline.... Or Surviving Mars (that's a whole other story).

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