Monday 11 January 2016

A New Year....

Belated Happy New Year.

It's been hard to start back into the blogging again. Mainly due to the amount of gaming, the usual year end commitments and the amount of household DIY my wife has decided needed to be done. It's been a whirlwind mix.
Diy such as our office/game room/command centre, just because she just bought an alienware pc she decided the room needed to be redecorated. Floor/walls/ceiling. Never mind the disarray the kitchen is in. Despite how "good" we are as a couple we can't work together in harmony. She is a hands on get stuck in do everything now kind of person where I need a lot of pre planning before I move an inch. It's comical at times and if it leads to frustrations it is all in good fun in the end, maybe not at the time but in the end.  And more often than not I end up in husband mode just saying "yes dear" in a very sarcastic way. That way she gets to hear what she needs (the yes) and I get the general disapproval across in my tone. This gets even more comical when your passing other couples in a d.i.y. store and they give you both crazy and understanding looks.We really need to grow up a bit but the fun in it is not letting us.

Anyway enough waffle about that stuff. I have been doing so much gaming over the Chrimbo/New year period it's not funny. Between Eve, World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, World of tanks, Cities Skylines, Terraria, Homeworld Remastered and Fallout 4 I'm really all gamed out.... I can't believe I just said that.... I love gaming but I've never had such an onslaught of gaming all at once.
Fallout 4 alone has already consumed 187 Hours and 58 minutes of game time played Since I got it in mid December. (That works out at over 6 hours a day!!! 6!!!!)
The last steam sale didnt' help and I picked up Terraria for a few Euro and Homeworld Remastered which I had been threatening to get for a while.

I think I'll do up separate posts for the games I've been playing and post them rather than waffle on here.

If you read this blog or are just dropping by I do hope your Chrimbo/Holiday Season/New Year has been a good one. Let the gaming really commence!

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