Wednesday 20 January 2016


World of Tanks is still a blast, pun intended. Quality game that you can jump in and out of at short notice.
It has enough badges and awards to make it feel like your really getting things done. Even if you enter the game in a light tank, speed drive to the oppositions flag/base and get assploded in a rain of fire.
It is a one death per match game but I like the way that once destroyed you can leave the current game and hop into another of your other tanks for another match. AND you don't get penalised for it. Once the game ends even if your not in it you get the rewards. Which is fun as you can have a few tanks in battle while you wait in another for your next match.
Each day seems to have a 2 times reward per tank for your first win which helps with the need to progress and gain research points to both improve your current tank and unlock the next.
I've been playing it on the Xbox One. Due to some household DIY I only recently re-setup my Xbox 360. I wasn't tempted to try the game on the 360 but once I heard that both xbox consoles shared players and game stats and I wanted to see for myself. True enough when I downloaded the game on the console and started it, it showed the current tanks I was using on the Xbox One. The 360's graphical changes to the garage were obvious even with the same stats and details under the hood. Still very playable I found the main difference was the view distance, which was feeling a lot more limited.
Long story short I'm glad to have it on both but I'll take the better Xbox One version any day.

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