Sunday 24 January 2016

Star Trek Online.... 6th Anniversary

The 6th Anniversary has been announced and it does look like there will be a lot of freebies of a good quality. The main details are listed on the main website here. The Event will last from January 28th through February 24th
However they also blogged that there would be other dates.....
"We’re kicking off the celebrations early for Star Trek Online’s 6-year Anniversary! It’s been a wonderful year and we’re happy to celebrate alongside you. Every day from Tuesday 1/26 at 10am PST till Monday 2/1 at 10am PST we’ll be giving away new C-Store items for Captains to enjoy. Every 24 hours, we’ll be giving out a different item (or even multiple), so be sure to grab these up!"
New C-Store Items every day..... That can't be a bad thing! I can only hope there is a T6 Ship in there somewhere.

The Omega particle activity/game is making a return. Once you complete the minigame daily the particles you get are used with the R&D system to craft special Omega Upgrade Kits. Full details here.

For the anniversary there is of course a featured episode “Time and Tide” which will after the event time become a permanent part of the Delta mission chain.

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