Thursday 14 January 2016

Oculus Rift.......again....

I think the general feelings about the Rift pre-order is that it is too expensive and most people will wait and see how it pans out over the next year.
In that time the Rift will/might/should mature and develop and a cheaper version is "hoped" to be released. Also in that time there should be other VR headsets released that "may" do it better.
Waiting is where I sit on the matter as I would prefer to get a new gaming pc before I even think about getting the Oculus rift. I have not even considered getting a new pc specifically for the Rift. I do hope to experience it but that will have to wait. Time will tell.
I do hope that the price of the Rift isn't a cliff that halts VR's charge.

A good article reinforces my stance over on, well worth a read.

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