Monday 18 January 2016

My World of Warcraft Update....gif overload

It's been a mixed few weeks/month in wow. I've not been doing much other than messing about with alts, doing achievements and gearing runs with the retro dungeon events and the usual daily (when I do it) garrison harvest. I've done more transmog updates than anything else I think. I wish I had more to talk abotu but most people I know in game and in the guild are in the same position.

I've spent a good bit of time helping out with my wife's characters and also trying to gain some more interest in wow with an RL friend via PVP but it hasn't taken hold.

I'm not a huge fan of all the news about the next expansion and it's changes. There is so much news about whats coming but it's all "Alpha" so it will all change in a month never mind in 8 month's time when the expansion is due out. That's a loooooooong time to wait and try to "do" something. Will have to wait and see how it all pans out. 
I have about 4 more weeks left to wow and I don't see myself doing a lot more in game besides levelling up some more alts to 100.  For the time being it's gonna be a lot of faffing around, levelling and doing alts and achi's....... alts and achi's......

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