Monday 11 January 2016

Oculus Rift....

The Oculus Rift had it's initial pre-purchase launch date. At €500 not including shipping that is a hefty amount of cash.
My current pc is on the lowest end of running an Oculus. My gaming laptop is way more powerful but I'd rather not use the Oculus with that. That's just me.
I'll be getting a new pc before I get a rift so that will be at it's latest a year away. plenty of time for hardware improvements and price drops. Time will tell.
One thing is for sure, I'm in no hurry to get shafted by CCP just to play Eve Valkyrie sooner rather than later. 

There is a good write up here from The ancient gaming noob from the view of playing Eve Valkyrie.

And a youtube review form Totalbuiscuit on the hardware itself:

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