Thursday 14 January 2016

My Fallout 4....

I'm really enjoying Fallout 4. It's a game that is soaking the free time I have in major ways. I can see many days (dare I say week(s)) more gametime in it.

I'll keep this spoiler free. So I wont' talk much and post some screen shots.

First my waffle.
The crafting of weapons and armour is in depth and well worth doing.

I've not come across many bugs with the game/ Many people in the online community are talking about a lot in that regard.
One bug I've encountered is happening with two separate characters that are supposed to sit down but they don't, one being pretty irrelevant and the other being a bigger game breaker.
The only other bug I've seen is where a companion wont' talk "normally" and was stuck in a loop. Thankfully I play the PC version and was able to use a console command to "fix" the character. So all in all only one bug persisting that doesn't impact my game style as I play.  With luck there will be patches sooner rather than later.

My current game is in a paused holding pattern in the main storyline as I chase the perks from the companion characters which is easy on some and harder on others.

Some automatic weapon names are ridiculous.
Some weapons from npc's are "odd" configurations
Some weapons are given and kick many a virtual áss
This weapon is THE game changer, I wish I had gotten it sooner. It is amazing.
A little robot I did find
A little robot I did give a home.
Collecting the bobble heads is fun and add to the gamplay in more ways than one.
First suit of power armour. Photobombed

loyalty is good
more loyalty is better

My Characters main look at the moment
Not much of a change in the old look
My Characters current "speech" outfit
The old "speech" outfit looked way cooler.
Way way cooler, especially with a modified 10mm pistol out. Very James Bond looking.
Some side missions are well worth doing.
tripping over powersuits

Excuse me!

Developers and those teddy's.....


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