Friday 29 September 2017

C64 Mini....

I wasn't expecting this news, I'd heard nothing about the previous years of campaigning for it. A Commodore 64 Mini!

PCGamer and Gizmodo gave their take on it and it all sounds good.

I'm optimistic that the mini (and later a full size?!?! version) will be worthy of the nostalgia. The fact they are also doing a handheld version (very far in the pipeline) is very interesting.

Of the games listed there are a few that brought back memories. Cosmic Causeway, Herobotix  & Nebulus were games I put time into, to name a few.

As the hardware is still a work in progress I hope they allow for an SD card so that user roms can be loaded. It's a long shot but if that were to happen I'd pre order the pre orders, pre order. 

So many games, so much nostalgia.

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