Friday 22 September 2017

Season 4 Week 1.... And PvP

Week 1 of Season 4 is out and the start of the player suggestion challenges. With the reward being another Tier booster. The community reward was a nice weapon skin that matches well with my co-op character, so it's not all bad.

I set about the challenges last night. The first two challenges are easy enough. Especially from Media Luna Bravo.

Bravo has a SAM site next to it. Easy to bike up the hill, shoot the two guards, or sync shoot them, then C4 the target. Once done, just fast travel back to the Bravo and repeat till complete.

For the second challenge I found it best to do it from the base just north of Bravo, along the river.

The rear of the base by the river allows the perfect entry and the fact the base is split between a main section and a gate section allows you to clear the main section while leaving the gate part.

Clear the main part silently, there is a perfect spot in the middle with an ammo crate and a building  that's are perfect. Then "go loud" on the gate section to raise the alert level to 4. Unidad forces will be funnelled in through the town which gives you more control and cover. Call in rebel reinforcements, mortars and distractions to bring all out war to the area and destroy the helicopters as they come until the challenge is complete.

So with two challenges down the next is better done right after completing challenge 2, you just need to turn the HUD off. I however did not do that. Not that it's a challenge not worth doing but I can't be arsed to complete a challenge with no HUD; That's difficult for the sake of difficulty. After dieing three times just for sticking my head up to aim I was done with it. So I exited the game and went to bed. A much better option.


Today though I got to try out the Beta of the PvP. I only tried a few matches as there aren't that many people playing (50ish). Most of those that were in the game were of a higher progression than lil'ol level Zero noob me.

The game needs polish and streamlining. There are too many timers, lobby wait, gearing screen wait, match start, in match timer. I do like the gameplay unsurprisingly, it is the same game experience but PvP. Unlike most shooter games that are twitch based it's good so see this slower tactical setup. That's not to say that you dont' need fast reflexes, you do.

As to if I would buy this I dont' know, I like the game but the DLC's have been hit and miss and if the co-op is anything to go by then the PvP population will be whittled down to a small size. So that 6 month's after release as a noob you would join in and meet a wall of steel. That's my impression anyway. It's only been in beta for just over 24 hours and there are already people geared up the wazoo. As with all the DLC you need to create a new character, that's another separation of your previous characters from the newer content, I hate that disconnection.

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