Wednesday 27 September 2017


Season 4 week 2 community challenges really are about difficulty for the sake of difficulty. It's a form of out gaming the game, I get that. Like the Narco road DLC it's all about the style points, and I can't be bothered with that. Especially as the reward is just a booster. I dont' really use them and I have enough already to boost the last few tier's. If I can even be bothered with that. This game has worn down my ability to face a grind in a game I love. Not that a reward booster isn't a good thing but I do like the more persistent rewards. If the reward was equal to the challenge we'd be getting some cool gear/items on par with store items.....

I'm just going to plug away at the tier system, maybe peek back every now and again at the Fallen Ghosts DLC. Then quietly retire to my shack on the salt plains.

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